Digital creativity

12-07-2023: Digital Creativity competes in 'The Clash'

12-07-2023: Digital Creativity participates in 'The Clash'

The Clash is the new youth platform for culture in Roosendaal. The Clash is all about upgrading yourself.
It's about allowing you to be and become who you want to be. We contribute to that together, because together we come
further. The Clash offers a place for your story, your way. Whether that's dance, art, sport, music or clothing,
upgrade yourself the way you like. Check out instagram @theclashroosendaal and don't forget to tag and follow! The Clash is a programme of CultuurCompaan and is made possible by the municipality of Roosendaal, because every young person in Roosendaal deserves the chance to find something that excites them. You deserve that too.
