Digital creativity

3D printing pen workshop

3D printing pens

Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine society without the 3d printer. This technology has many applications, for example in construction or healthcare. It also changes the way we look at certain things. When a part used to be missing, you had to order a completely new package. Nowadays, you can simply have that part printed. It is important for young people to know something about the process of 3d printing. The 3d printing pen is a relatively new phenomenon that allows you to experience the process of a 3d printer for yourself. Like the printer, filament is melted so that it becomes malleable. When it cools, it hardens and this way you can use it to create three-dimensional subjects.
Students will invent, design and make 3d subjects in this challenging workshop.
Spatial awareness and motor skills are further developed in this process.
A particularly fun workshop for all secondary school students!

Key objectives
Learning to work with 3D printing technology by as well as creating spatial forms. In addition, the student's spatial understanding is promoted. The pupil learns to use visual or auditory means to report on participation in artistic activities, both as a spectator and as a participant. (core objective 51) The pupil learns to reflect orally or in writing on his own work and the work of others, including artists. (core objective 52)



Workshop number: 0221

Target group: VWO / HAVO / VMBO / VSO

Duration: 100 minutes (2 lessons)

Number of participants: 30 pupils

Location: At school


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