Digital creativity

Workshop-Make your own hologram


A hologram is a three-dimensional projection of a subject. It is composed of light and appears to have a spatial and physical form. However, you can just walk through it because it is an illusion. Holograms used to be reserved only for science fiction films. Nowadays, a hologram is available to everyone. Holograms have many special applications. For instance, a protest march was once known to have been organised in South Korea with a crowd of hologram projections. Also, the late pop star Michael Jackson drew packed audiences with a show starring a hologram of himself. In this workshop, children learn how to create a hologram without the need for an expensive hologram projector. All it takes is some physics and a smartphone. They also learn how to turn a video into a hologram. This way, they can, for example, make a spatial projection of themselves.

Key objectives
Students learn to use media to communicate. This allows them to translate topics, as they perceive them, through a digital tool. They acquire some knowledge about, and gain an appreciation of, aspects of their environment. Also, in an exploratory phase, they acquire knowledge about new techniques such as holography. They also learn to interact with new media, such as smartphones. Pupils learn to look differently at their environment, as well as improving their sensory perception. (core objectives 54 and 55)



Workshop number: 0244

Target group: Primary school groups 5, 6, 7 and 8

Duration: 90 minutes

Number of participants: 30 pupils

Location: At school


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