Digital creativity

Workshop-Working with 3D printing pens

Workshop-Working with 3D printing pens

In this workshop, you will learn to work with the 3D printing pen. It works like an ordinary pen that you fill with a kind of plastic thread also called filament. The filament is heated by the pen, so the plastic comes out almost melted. Participants can use it to 'draw' as if they were holding a real pen. Eye-hand coordination is put to the test, as it looks easier than it is. When the filament cools, it hardens again and you can hold it. Participants can use stencils with examples, as well as use their own creativity and design something themselves. By putting printed parts together like a construction kit, or drawing vertically in space, you will create the most extraordinary works in 3D. Get started, choose your colours and make your own creation. This could be anything: structures, food, drinks, people, figures, objects, animals, letters, shells, fantasy figures, etc.

Think in dimensions with this special workshop!

Key objectives
Students learn to improve their spatial understanding. This allows them to translate subjects as they perceive them through a digital tool. They acquire some knowledge about, and gain an appreciation of, aspects of their environment. They also acquire 3D printing skills and techniques in an exploratory phase. In addition, they learn to deal with new media, such as 3D printing. Pupils learn to look differently at their environment, as well as improving their sensory perceptions. (core objectives 54 and 55)



Workshop number: 0235

Target group: Primary school groups 5, 6, 7 and 8

Duration: 90 minutes

Number of participants: 30 pupils

Location: At school


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